It seems just as I get used to something, change is needed.  We've switched our schedule this week to a conventional schedule with class periods.  All I need is a bell system.  The results have been immediate.  The kids' school work has improved and both have expressed that they prefer this; it keeps the day more interesting.  They are getting a lot more done.   

I however do not prefer this.  It has been awhile since I have felt so confined and tied to a clock.  Our periods are 40 min long, with a 5 min break in between, 1 hour lunch and 30 min break in the afternoon.  The kids get a 5 min warning before the end of a class time.  I am directly involved in 7 out of the 8 classes.  I guess that is my planning period.  I can't leave the house unless I can do it in under 30 min.  And that is only during one class period a day.  Gone is the luxury of hitting Cruces on a work day to run errands and avoid the crowds.  

The previous way was doing lessons and assigning most of the work on Mon & Tues.  Then the kids would work independently and I would have free time on Wed & Thur.  Friday would be our Homeschool group, library and testing.  But the truth was the kids had a hard time staying motivated and would forget work they needed to complete.  My optimistic hope is that they just need a refocus and then we can go to something a little more flexible.   
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