How is an apple like the earth? That is what Brent and I looked at today and they are remarkably similar. Especially considering that one is edible and fits into the palm of your hand.
Brent then drew a diagram of the layers using the outline of the apple.
Tomorrow, the orange!
We are now reading "Lord of the Flies". So far so good. But if you are concerned of what becomes of little boys lost on island alone without supervision, they become little savages!
We were reading "Swiss Family Robinson", but we haven't read it a long time.
We are doing astronomy right now. I just learned about Jupiter and how it protects our planet.
Do you know why stars twinkle? It's because the atmosphere churns, making the stars look as if they are twinkling!
Brent's team won his last offical game of the season. They have an upcoming tournament as well. He did really well and I was able to capture his home run on video.

Yeah! How often does something come early? Not often for me! Callie is thrilled. She still has to wait until tomorrow for the thing to charge, but that would have happened anyway. I am happy she has her laptop back also, the desktop is noisy and creates a lot of heat; something you do not want in the desert.
The netbook is small, inexpensive and perfect for the tasks the kids do. Lots of Internet and a word processor. There is no CD rom, but you can use an external. We don't want to add a bunch of software to them to slow them down. We still have the desktop to do large CD programs. The only thing we installed was some heavy duty security software. The pictures are from the Best Buy site where we purchased them from. They both got the red.


Today we started reading "Lord of the Flies" together. I think the 1st chapter is the longest ever. The kids were intrigued by the characters and look forward to chapter 2 tomorrow. They were immediately fond of Piggy.
This was our first form to see how it would work for school. Now that the kids have their own computers, we don't have to use as much paper. These forms are available on Google Documents. We have now made several and love them. I get a spreadsheet with the answers and can download it and save it as part of their record. Callie is a huge fan of "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".
I remember being in grade school and learning to follow directions. I remember teachers hiding instructions like "don't do this assignment" in the directions at the top of the page to see who was reading the directions. I am beginning to feel the urge.
Callie was first. We are using the forms on Google Documents to send out assignments. She prefers her work to be Internet based. I get her answers as she submits them on a spreadsheet. Nice. So her answers start coming in and unless she has become an astrophysicist, the answers clearly aren't hers. She was finding the answers and cutting and pasting them in. Not a problem, except that I asked her to use her own thoughts after she found the answers. She never read the instructions. Second one, same thing. I asked her if she read the instructions, she said "no, sorry"
Brent wanted a complete to do list of everything. That's his style. Many of the things he was going to be doing were things we would do together. Each thing that was for the both of us was marked, yet he tried to do everything on his own. So cute, but frustrating at the same time.
So we all sat down and had a chat about directions and what to do with them. I'm all for doing your own thing your own way, but we discussed the advantages of instructions when working with other people. Sometimes reading instructions saves time and make the work more efficient. I had provided links to all the websites Callie would need to complete her work in the instructions. She used search engines and it took much longer. I praised her resourcefulness, but it wasn't the goal of the assignment. I also told them if they new a better way, let me know. The directions were more notes from me to help them do what they were working on.
I don't want them to blindly follow directions, I want them to be informed though when they do what they choose to do. Let's see how next week goes.
Funny note: at the winery last night Callie asked to to explain Kepler's Laws to her
Well, we took the broken computer back today to exchange it for a new one. Callie's computer is red, they were sold out of red, but had the exact same computer in black (this was confirmed by an official geek). Unfortunately for us, the black model costs more ($30) and they would not do the exchange. Annoying. We asked how long it would take to get another red one in, and were told that they couldn't tell us a time frame when (or if) the new one would be coming in. So, after we got home we ordered a red one online from the same store. It will be here early next week. I wonder why they couldn't have done that?
Callie's computer has gone to a better place. Such a short life: it lived one whole week. We are returning it tomorrow and will be replacing it with a new one. Callie is having to do her school work by hand again, it is like we are returning to the dark ages or something. She is being stoic; you hardly notice the pouting. We have our suspicions that its death may have been due to a fall, but we haven't confirmed anything. The investigation is ongoing. Needless to say, both kids will be taking a computer care refresher course.
The most important question? What will happen to all the Fruits Basket stickers!