Our holidays were extra long this year. Our family visited after the break, so we didn't get back to school until today. It was a long day. Of course the kids watched the inauguration as well. It was nice to get back to work. Brent is making a Batik. Instead of hot wax, we are using a flour and water mixture. He is making a map of India.
We began new units today. In Earth Science Callie began Plate Tectonics and Brent began Habitats. In Life Science Callie started a unit on plants and Brent is learning about insects. Callie is beginning her unit on plants with vascular plants. We set up a simple experiment with carnations, celery and jars of colored water. 

In US History Brent is making his own textbook and Callie is learning US geography. In Physical Science. Callie is studying energy and rockets and Brent is doing simple machines. Here is a shot of the white board during Physical Science lessons.
I have been think of doing the plate experiment with my girls.. I think it is funny you are doing it too
It is simple and the results are quick. I's sure they would enjoy it.