For this months magazine contest, Brent had to choose an animal skin he would like and tell why.
Callie made this drawing for her monthly magazine contest entry. The subject this month, what would robot art look like if robots advanced to the point where they became independently creative. She thought the robot would make a picture of his owner.
Brent is eagerly anticipating his ant colony's arrival. He is setting up their new home. He poured in sand and then is adding sugar water using a pipette. The water will evaporate, leaving the sand harder and full of sugar for the ants.
Well it is finally over. Callie noticed that even the pink parts of the flower were a little bluer than when we first got the flowers.
After our first full week, we seem to be back to normal. The kids are getting used to the routine again. This week will be the real test, there are a few assignments from last week that need to be redone and Callie has a quiz today that I'm hoping she studied for. Vacations are great, but hard on school.
Callie faces a much harder schedule than Brent, this is mainly due to the grade level difference. There is some expectation of independent study and time management at the middle school level. I think Callie is feeling a little overwhelmed with the work. She is working with a day planner, so I am hoping that she feels more confident as time passes.
Brent is reading fairly well, but needs to progress to the next level. This is where he is facing his difficulties. He likes doing things that he's good at (like the rest of us) he reads, but not a fast as he would like, so he doesn't want to do it. He has his sister read to him. We are doing daily oral reading, and he improves a little each day. I am looking forward to the point where he is comfortable enough reading to do it for pleasure.
Today is mainly lessons: language arts, math, world history & life science.
Callie's almost done with this experiment. We are on day 6. Callie is noticing that you can see the "veins" in the plant where the color is.
On some of the flowers, the blue is dramatic.
The celery is ready for the compost heap, then again, with all that artificial color, maybe the trash bin.
Bitty couldn't help herself and had to smell the flowers.
A lot more color in both the flowers and celery.
Today I am working on an entry to a magazine. The magazine is called Muse. For this month's contest is to imagine if robots were creative and draw what you think they would draw. I think they would draw aliens.
I liked doing all the projects this week. I liked making my house because I made my house from Animal Crossing City Folk.
The color was a little deeper yesterday, especially in the celery.
Brent finished his house yesterday. I gave him no instructions other than he had to make a house and put in it what he needed. He could use any craft/art supplies he wanted.
Being male he immediately turned to duck tape. Our tape was fluorescent purple and orange. He decided to use pieces of cardboard, rather than a box.
He made the house, painted it, then decided to model the interior after his Animal Crossing house, which has a giant stereo in it. So his home provides shelter and music.
Day 3 and Callie is begining to see the color in the flowers and stalks of the celery.
The blue is only showing on one flower.
You can clearly see the orange color in the stalks of the celery
The orange is much lighter in the stalks

Today Brent painted his Batik map.
Brent couldn't find a box to make a house today, so he used duct tape and cardboard. This project is for his Earth Science unit on Habitats that he started yesterday.

Callie didn't see much color change today, but the celery is much firmer.
Our holidays were extra long this year. Our family visited after the break, so we didn't get back to school until today. It was a long day. Of course the kids watched the inauguration as well. It was nice to get back to work. Brent is making a Batik. Instead of hot wax, we are using a flour and water mixture. He is making a map of India.

We began new units today. In Earth Science Callie began Plate Tectonics and Brent began Habitats. In Life Science Callie started a unit on plants and Brent is learning about insects. Callie is beginning her unit on plants with vascular plants. We set up a simple experiment with carnations, celery and jars of colored water.

In US History Brent is making his own textbook and Callie is learning US geography. In Physical Science. Callie is studying energy and rockets and Brent is doing simple machines. Here is a shot of the white board during Physical Science lessons.