I know the eruption didn't happen yesterday, but we weren't able to get to it until today. We followed the lesson plan from the
Learning section of the NY Times. We read several articles from all over the world and discussed all the different types of impact the eruption had. We mapped out the areas impacted in the articles that we read on a world map. I would have loved to do the push pins, but we don't have a cork board.

Some are just dots, where the impact was felt locally, others are connected. We used a color code system to view the types of connections. Travel is economic, but we felt it should be separated due to the level of impact.
Brent and Callie will be making Glogs this week for History on castles. I did a sample one in about 5 minutes to show them all the things they can do. Glogs are digital posters. You can add images, texts, video and sounds. I added a Gregorian chant to mine. I love that you can hear coughing. This is scaled down to about 1/2 of the actual size.
This morning I woke deciding that the kids aren't getting enough physical activity. I hated PE in school and I want my kids to have that memory too. So after JT left for work I told the kids to put something athletic on. Callie came out in a sporty cute outfit. I told her that wasn't exactly what I meant. Driving to the track it started to rain, I was undeterred. Then it started to hail.
Callie, "Is that Hail?"
Me, "No, that would be crazy."
Brent, "It's Hail!"
We went anyway. Callie was able to run and glare the whole time. Truly amazing. Brent was able to run and grin. It was fantastic.
JT has been gone this week and our schedule has gotten a little off. Especially Tuesday night. I had a late meeting and the kids and I didn't get to be until after midnight. Brent was happy he went to bed in the morning. Stuff like this doesn't happen often. So of course my plan was to let them sleep in, despite what would happen to our schedule the next day. I got up first and headed outside with a cup of coffee to let the Nuggets work on the grass that has been springing up in our back yard.

Slowly the kids joined me; Callie first and then Brent.

It was lovely. It is mornings like this that I feel so blessed to homeschool my kids. What could have been a hectic morning, full of rushing and tired kids, turned out to be the best morning of the week. Not only that, but everything that was needing our attention that day got it, just a little bit later. Plus, we saw beauty in an unexpected place, our own backyard.
For Girl Scouts we went to EYH. One of the workshops I got was on Biological Anthropology. It was so great that the other day I got myself two college text books on anthropology. Anthropology is the study of Humanity. It has four categories, Biological, Archeological, Cultural, and Linguistic. I'm so interested that I think that's what I want to be when I grow up. We're having a project fair in four weeks and my project is going to be on anthropology. I don't know exactly what it's going to be about yet but It's going to be more on the biological and Archeological side. Wish me luck!
A chimp skull and a human skull