
Our tent was perfectly situated in a little group of trees. This helped shield us from both the sun and the wind. There were 3 trailers and 2 tents in our group. We fit quite comfortably in the site we were in.

The camping trip would have been perfect if Callie and Brent didn't get a sunburn. We still had a very good time. The kids received their burns on an exciting adventure of inter tubing down a river. They got lost down an irrigation ditch, found a swamp and crashed a graduation party. Exceptional circumstances! It has been pointed out, that it was an adventure they will remember.

This trip will ruin me for all other camping trips, the food was wonderful, good friends, delicious wine and gorgeous scenery. This picture was of our Sunday pancake breakfast. Sharing the cooking responsibilities allowed us to each put together one great meal and not feel overwhelmed with a ton of cooking.
That is really cool. We share the meals at our reunion too. I totally understand the tubing burns. My grandmother and I went tubing in Tenn. I put on so much sun screen several times and still was burnt to a crisp.