The ants arrived today, actually they probably got here on Saturday, but we didn't go out there till today. I wasn't sure that any would actually be alive. It gets pretty cold at night. The package warned to keep from extremes in temperature, too late. We didn't obey the "Open Immediately" either.
The were all crammed in a little tube. At first, none were moving, but eventually there was movement in the vial. I immediately regretted letting them wake up before I transferred them into the ant habitat. The instructions informed me that they have a "painful sting". They were not to be touched. I had to take the cap off and dump them into the habitat. They were moving a lot, so I considered putting them back outside to slow them down until the habitat was ready. But this seemed cruel.
Unfortunately, we had left the habitat outside and forgot to bring it in. The sand mixture needed to dry in order to become hard, so we had it sitting in the sun. We propped it over the heater to warm it fast. I tried to convince Brent to dump the ants in the habitat, I was scarred, but he seemed to sense the true reason and said no. Only one tried to scamper up the tube and bite me, but I knocked him off.