We watched this movie as a follow-up to the Omnivore's Dilemma that we just finished.  It was very good and interesting.  It was helpful, especially to my youngest, to see it rather than just hear it.  If you rent this, there are a few tough parts, but overall it is very easy, and interesting, to watch.

Food, Inc.

Brent added a Walmart documentary to his queue on Netflix.  All I'm thinking is I have to shop there, it's one of the only places in town.  Darn informed kids, lol.
Yesterday the guys spent some more time outside removing things from the yard.  Three cacti came out and a large agave was trimmed.  The gravel area will eventually hold the raised garden beds. We have a definite timetable, the seedlings are already growing inside!
Brent looks scarred, but I think that is just because he just witnessed me pulling cactus spines out of his Dad's leg.  He's just concerned.
It looks so open after the removal of the cacti.  On the far left was a lilac bush that was taken out last Wednesday.  Callie was a little bummed, but we will be planting lots of cutting flowers.  

Here are our most laid-back Nuggets, Wintergreen & Venus.  I love watching them.  They are so fun to have and the eggs are good too.  One of them is laying a pink egg, most are green or blue.  We aren't sure which one. We know it's not Aphrodite or Artemis.  We actually watched Artemis lay an egg and Aphrodite is an escape artist and likes to lay her eggs on the other side of the fence.
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We are planning to add a blueberry bush to our backyard.  I am currently in love with this jam we get that is imported from France.  My two favorite flavors are cherry and blueberry.  They taste nothing like Smuckers,  no offense.  After reading the Omnivore's Dilemma the kids are too educated to not point out to me the food miles involved.  So say hello to the blueberry bush and homemade jam, yum. There is an old, unproductive bush that is in the perfect spot, or was in the perfect spot.  JT and Brent spent the morning tearing it out.  Lots of work.  The Nuggets love it.  I think Brent loved getting dirty.